Hello to everybody, especially to you, dear Gentlemen!) You know I used to think that my age is my benefit, I was sure that my energy will change the world. But here in the Post Soviet space I constantly face the fact that I am too young to have a good job, too young to be mature and understand my needs, and finally – too young to fall in love and get married. I decided to come to this site as it is said that foreign men are more democratic in the questions of age. And what can I see here – no matter how beautiful, kind and intelligent I am men do not want to talk to me because I am just 21 years old and have no life experience. Sad isn’t?)
According to this I have to wait a little bit, then marry some guy who won’t bring a peace to my soul, divorce him and only after that I will have enough of experience to start an adult life? Am I the only one who thinks that it is unfair? What if I do not want to waste my life on the “wrong” men? What if I am inspired by the marriage pattern of my parents and want to create my own family?
I do not believe in fairy-tales and I am definitely not a damsel-in-distress) I am a real woman ready for real meeting who believes in kindness of human’s soul and want to be happy. I think that love is chemistry, not math)
So do you think I have a chance to find my husband here?
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