To love or to be loved?
id: 10026147
Hi guys! I think all of us during our life can be asked such questions. What do you like more – to get presents or to give? Are you a giver or a taker? What is your priority – to love or be loved? To my mind, this is a silly question.

It is the same like asking a bird if it needs left or right wing more. It needs them both, the same as we need to love and to be loved.

I really like it when I give a present to someone and see sparking eyes. But just the same I like to get something pleasant and say thank in different ways – a hug, a kiss, showing my sincere smile. It is like two matching halves, one cannot go without another one.

Love is like a flower and should be watered by two people. You cannot always take and take, but never give anything in return. The person, who gives you his love, may not even ask anything in return, but he may slowly fade away without your care, affection and love. A bottle of love should be taken from and filled equally. If you only take – what will happen? You may find it empty one day.

You know it is a real gift to love someone; it is a present itself to have this gift. To make someone happy – isn’t it happiness for us too?

So, love and be loved, use both wings to fly high in the sky. After all, we are born to be happy, so never stop searching for your happiness, for your one and true love!
