Feminism kills our relations
What does feminism mean? It is fighting for equality in policy, a latitude of thoughts and opinion for women. First of all, it is wish to become superwoman. And what should men do in this situation? They give up very quickly and try to keep away from such women. They don't feel their self like a conqueror, the getter or future father. What feminists think and how I see this situation: - Feminity is foolishness Many women take on the suits, ties... But I like feeling, that he likes me in the think dress of flowers print and my open sandals. He wants to see me gentle and lovely. Why not? the suits can wait!! - Is the beauty foolish too Make-up? Mani-pedi? Men don't need that and I won't make make-up too! But new lipstick is going to do incredible things for you! -Career is more important than kids Feminists can have got kids, but they must be brought up by nurses. Career is more important. Really?? I wanna to see a first step and first smile of my baby! I wanna to become the best mom in the world! And career? It can wait a bit! And yes, I would like cooking, cleaning, and ironing for my man! It is happiness for me to make you happy! Maybe that is why you are here! Slavic women are different! We are family-oriented and we know the best way to make you happy!
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