id: 52112
First I wish to say thank you to all the lovely ladies that write me and I wish I could afford to answer every one of your letters but finances do not allow that so I thought I would just say some things that are on my mind.
There are several countries that comprise North America and they are Canada, United States of America and Mexico. We are all different in many ways, some of which are governments, how we elect them and how they work, taxes, social benefits and others. One of the biggest differences are our holidays. Though we do celebrate many similar ones, many are different and at different times. We celebrate Thanksgiving here in Canada in October during the second week of the month but in the U.S. their holiday falls in the third week of November. So if you are trying to win the heart of a Canadian man just a word of advice and know when to congratulate him during certain festive holidays. I know that at times our festivities do coincide but it shows that you are not really willing to find out as much as you can about your man's culture if you do not know about those events. I am sorry if this offends anyone but it is something that may be important to him when you do get together.
I have been reading some of the latest blogs about clothes and other issues and just wish to add my two cents worth to those issues. I want my woman to look good at all times but that doesn't mean she has to wear fancy dresses and do her makeup all the time. I believe in being yourself and would prefer to see my lady au natural most of the time. If we are going out I want her to always look her best and if she wants to wear a nice dress or a suit with appropriate makeup that is good. I have no problem with her looking good and like the fact that people we see and meet look at her and wonder what she is doing with a guy like me. I want them to see what a lucky guy I am and in doing so, it makes me feel good about my wife and myself.
I want a woman who is proud of herself and her accomplishments and needs a good man beside her who will support and encourage her to be the best she can be. I also expect her to do the same for me. I know that building a relationship takes a lot of work and that work never ends but it is even more so when the partners are from different countries, cultures and speak different languages. It will make things a little edgy at first but if they are in love with each other and give each other a chance then good things will come to them. Nothing good comes easy. The biggest thing in building a strong and lasting relationship is trusting your partner , knowing that they will always do their best to make things better. If trust is not present, then love will never grow.
I have a son from a previous relationship and have no problem accepting someone into my life who has a child or children in her life. Children are a gift from God and I was given one late in my life so that I had purpose. My son is one of the best things that ever happened to me and I will gladly accept that gift again. I am not afraid, even at my age, of having a newborn child in my life. I do not think that children limit a couple in what they do or feel but I think that having children makes a couple stronger and helps them grow stronger. It is our responsibility as parents to see that our children grow up to be responsible and caring adults and will do their best to make the world a better place.
I am old school in that I do what I can to make life better for my partner but I support her if she wants to be the one who brings home the bread in the house. At my age I have worked hard all my life and am not afraid of being a house husband if my wife wants that. As long as it makes her life better, I am good with whatever she wants. I will still do my best to play my part in the relationship but I will never tell her that she must do one thing or another just to be in control. Life must be an equal partnership in a strong relationship and each side must be comfortable with what is happening in it.
I have been here for nearly 4 years now and wish things were better. Sometimes I do wonder if any of this is real or just a ruse to make money for someone I have never met. Over the years before I came here I was on other sites and did encounter a number of scam artists but must say I was smart enough to not fall for any of their tricks. There are times though when I do wonder if any of this is real as I have been played many times. I know it is hard when you cannot see someone or know if that person you are chatting with is real but I do think that my soulmate is here. My biggest issue is the fact that I want to find a woman willing to come visit me here in Canada and getting a visa is not easy to do. I think that their are agencies in play in your country that only care about taking your money and stringing you along, thereby making the process take forever. Make sure that if you are interested in going to visit someone, no matter what country, that you use the proper channels and apply thru the government immigration bureaus of whatever country you wish to visit.
Lastly in closing I want to address the issue of follow-up letters and intro letters. Every month I pay my membership I get 20 follow-up letters and 30 intro letters. I very rarely use any of the intro letters as i only send letters to someone that I wish to be involved with. I have asked to make some sort of changes but all I get is that it cannot be done. I know a little about computers and programs and know that, if they wanted to do it, it can be done and that would certainly help some of us men who do not have $500 a month to pay for a diamond membership. Why not develop an upgrade to Platinum calling it Platinum Plus and have 40 follow-up letters and no intro ones. Just an idea.
Thanks for reading my blog and I look forward to reading any comments. Good luck to everyone in their search.