Have you ever thought, that a woman, who lives by relying on intuition, and builds a relationship “as fortune tells” can turn heads. If her subconscious desires and perceived goals are in a full harmony, it is quite possible that such an approach of building relationships with men can become a key to a real happiness.
Unfortunately, it’s more common in fairy tales and soap-operas than in real life. So to be aimed at improving your understanding…what is Love– it’s valuable and important feature of woman’s character.
I don’t find myself as a super-wise woman, who knows all world’s secrets:)))I just share with you some of my life experienced, my conclusions…I had lots of spare time to think over this philosophical question…How to become a happy and successful and the most important beloved woman? There s a great potential in every woman, and who know maybe my small advises will help to discover yours…It may seem, it’s tooo difficult, but actually everything is simple to achieve, when you a strong desire and belief in yourself.
Let’s try to become wise women, do not fall into the web of stupid ideas, misconceptions and prejudices.
Here are 4 secrets of woman’s wisdom…
Know yourself
Instead of wearing the armor of Don Quixote and fight against windmills :))) it’ll helpful to think about life. You may dream for a while; explore biographies of stars and historical figures. Yes, you can even read novels to understand the nature of feelings between man and woman. Do not just succumb to the charm of the moment from reading an interesting book or watching a film. It’s important to stop sometimes and think –what will suit me. What would be my reaction, and what could I do in such situation.
Why not to heart to heart with your friends, and just with other women. You may take an example (even bad one) of your parent’s family life and try to find right aspects for yourself.
Improve yourself
Once you understood what you want from men and life, it’s time to act.
If you are a house-wife and never work, don’t stay on the same place…always go ahead. Actually, all men prefer active, successful woman, who is goal-oriented and achieved something in her life. You can be successful at any sphere, improving yourself everyday. A good wise woman is a mixture of a great amounts of qualities, try to find something new in yourself every day and improve this.
And we, women, clearly understand, that everything, what we do, all this for our beloved men. I am sure, my readers, will agree with me:)
Know your man
To know your pros and cons, to realize the hidden desires and to overcome the disadvantages – it’s just part of successful relationships with men. If you are seriously interested in questions how to be a wise woman, you should learn the basic principles of male psychology. Mostly all problems in the relationship arise only because women judge of a man on her own.
Men are no worse and no better than women, they are just different. They look at things differently, think differently, not as we wish, men express their love. The ability to see and understand true motives of man’s behavior lets us build more harmonious relationship with men. To study psychology of men - is not only useful but also fun.
Avoid improving your man
Wise woman doesn’t overrate her role in relationship and even more in men’s life. Love is stronger than any rules, and usually it improves both man and woman.
But the criticism, and any attempts to rehabilitate a man capable of upsetting any, even the strongest relationships. It doesn’t mean every woman should "pray" for a man, and work only on yourself. There is always a golden mean in every question. So try to take a man as he is, with all his pros and cons.
If he's a wise man, he will appreciate such an attitude and will strive to be your best friend and best lover in the whole world. And if you still encounter any difficulties or conflicts, try to be honest and tell the man not so much about his fault in problem, but about your feelings, and what outputs the current situation you see. Men are more loyal to the specific claims and do not tolerate hints and notations. Knowing this simple truth, you can overcome almost any difficulties in relationships with beloved ones.
I just hope that some women on this site will find useful information in my small world, which I show here. Maybe these 4 principles will change your life…
And finally, only wise woman never shows her wisdom to men, we need to use this feature carefully :)))
Wise and happy Natalia :)))
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