To be or not to be ...SEX ON THE FIRST DATE
id: 10029791
To be or not to be ...SEX ON THE FIRST DATE .....Hello dear friends . Receiving no answer to the question about the existence of love I do not give up and decided to continue to look for answers to my most difficult questions , because as the saying goes : he who seeks will always find :)) I think an every girl at least once in the life asked yourself the same question . A year ago, I surely could answer that sex on the first date is strictly forbidden , and indeed such the things cannot be considered before the wedding . But we live in a society which affects our worldview and my confidence about the correct of my opinion greatly shaken . Firstly, the motto of the modern world is the phrase "rush to live" and perhaps ,refusing the pleasures of sex , girls deprive their lives of such bright colors . Secondly, many men prefer experienced and devoid of any prejudices and inhibitions of women , and my outdated views are useless . I firmly believe that to have sex just to please a man is unneeded , but what to do if thoughts about having sex literally eat your head and you want it right now , not thinking about morality and modesty ? Do I need to stay true to my principles or should i listen to the voice of the heart and body ? I would like to know the male point of view on this issue . What behavior do you expect from us ? I mean what behavior do you expect not just from a girl with whom you went on a date , and what behavior do you expect from the woman you would like to marry ? Let's discuss .