I would like to say hello to everybody here) I am very glad to share my thoughts with you. I hope that my theme can be very interesting and maybe it will change your mind. So, what do I want to say here? Actually, I can’t put that just in one sentence. Let me..make a small preface. That’s not a secret that we are here in a search of love. And it’s not a secret that there a lot of people who can find nobody for years…There are plenty of videos on Internet how to manage that…But, I am not sure it works because there are a lot of people who suffer from the absence of love and write about that on social networking sites. So, nothing can help…Why?
I can’t say that I have been learning this problem for years..) I am just 18. In general, I have been sure that it all depends on our luck or even fate. So..I have the idea that we shouldn’t do anything. Love will find you by itself. So, what have I found out? Now we come to the point) My idea is that you should be open to people in order to find your love. And that’s all. What does it mean? It means that you should have no principles…that can be very difficult for some people. Maybe you won't like my example but I think it demonstrates the situation very bright. So, don’t judge me very harshly) Imagine two people who are talking, just a piece of their talk, two girls
A: Hey, look at that guy. He is looking very nice. I think it’s for you) It’s your type
B: Oh dear! I have seen…don’t tell me more about him. Have you seen his tattoo? You know, that I don’t like that. Our body should be clear.
A: But it’s just a small paint…and it looks not so bad.
B: Ok, what can you say about the accessory in his ear?
A: Is there the earring?
A: Oh, I won’t even look at it! Why does he wear it?? It’s just for girls.
Well, it’s just the story I have created…but I have heard something like this earlier…many times. About style of clothing, about hairstyle, about skin color…and that just the first we can see. WE should overcome these difficulties. If we do that…we will get a lot…we will be open for love, for crazy ideas, for all!
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