id: 10029791
This blog I decided to write to help those men , who have already found a bride on the website and must to make such a crucial step , as the acquaintance with her family . And so I'm not going to write a long preface and will immediately proceed to the enumeration of the above rules . Here you come to the door of her relatives, and how do you think what things must to be in your hands ??? - that's right , flowers for mom and a bottle of good alcohol for dad . And now more about both . Ukrainian men are reluctant to spoil their women with flowers , so you have a 70% probability that her mother received the flowers only on the day of his wedding 20 years ago :)) and it means that a bunch of flowers in your hands literally will "knock her down" and you will automatically become a hundred times more attractive than Brad Pitt !!! Now, regarding the alcohol for dad .. It is in any case does not mean that her family has problems with alcohol . Just as it is known since long ago that Ukrainians are accompanied by alcohol all events in life. We drink for the birth , for the health , and even the death of man we also consider as an our duty to drink . So that bottle in your hand will automatically make you Its almost Ukrainian guy :)).Now the second rule - in any case not to refuse a drink . If in other European countries the refusal would be perceived as a huge plus and proof that you lead a healthy lifestyle , in Ukraine it is perceived either as a disrespect of the house owners , or second and even more common option - you will be suspect in the presence of serious diseases , and it will completely discredit you as a potential bridegroom :)) the third rule - a souvenir . Ukrainians are very fond of everything foreign . This habit we inherited probably from the dead USSR :)) Even the cheapest, and a smallest souvenir with the inscription "made in the USA ", for example , would be a reason to brag to all the friends and acquaintances , and this is another bonus for you , as the groom . The fourth rule - no kisses and touches in the presence of parents . Ukraine is a country of old attitudes and morality, and although young people actively adopts experience of Western countries regarding sex , but a loving father even 40 years old thrice-divorced daughter always remains a young virgin , so that should not to dissuade him of this . And kisses and hugs can be left for those moments when you manage to stay alone . Finally and the most importantly fifth rule - following all my advice and trying to make a good impression don't forget to stay yourself , because the opened soul is the best way to earn the trust , respect and love ..... love and be loved .......