Why do we need a family?
id: 10052914

1.Learn to love each other
A family is created so that a man and a woman understand what love is, primarily at the level of the soul. We realized that in true love the law of unity and struggle of opposites is manifested. For example, men and women in the family have different views on solving problems. By finding a compromise, they learn to limit their desires in some way and take into account the interests of the other. This is how they learn to love.

2.Give and receive
When considering superficial views of what a family is for, one can notice that they are all aimed at receiving, and not at giving. People mostly want happiness from receiving. This is one of the most important reasons for divorces: people, hoping only to receive, separate at the slightest problem of their partner meeting their needs. If we now conduct a survey about whether the main thing in love and relationships is giving or receiving, the results will clearly be in favor of receiving. But love is, first of all, giving! When one of the partners is in the mood to give in love, the World will give him the same half. And even if there are problems with family karma, then with this approach it is much easier to overcome it. Giving also means care, and daily care, respect, expression of feelings, responsibility, friendship. That is, LIFE with another person, and not living together in a common living space.

3.Create and multiply love in the world around you
A superficial look at what a family is for suggests that, having united in a marital union, a man and a woman concentrate all their love on each other. In this case, a closure occurs on each other and separation from the outside world. But the world will never allow anyone to be protected from it. All attempts to do this lead to problems in the family.
Not to move away from the world, but to show and increase unconditional love for it, for all people - this is another task of creating a family. In principle, to love everyone, to unite with everyone is the unconscious desire of every soul that comes into this world. Showing love to everyone, regardless of personality, gender, without singling out anyone, without worshiping or wanting to possess, is one of the highest tasks of a man and woman creating a family. People who truly love each other strive to spread their love to the entire world around them.

4.Love and be free
A very seemingly strange motive for creating a family. It seems that what a family is for is to belong to each other. In fact, the true motive for creating a family is to find love along with freedom. Together, not separately. Otherwise we will end up with debt or debauchery. Freedom presupposes the opportunity to experience strong love and feelings for your other half. Freedom presupposes one’s own freedom to develop, to have one’s own views on everything in this world and to provide this right to one’s partner. Freedom presupposes the absence of “ownership rights” to one’s half. By revealing in our hearts a harmonious, multifaceted feeling of love for our half, we create a unique unity of love and freedom.

5.Give birth and raise children
It is difficult to overestimate the importance of this task of creating a family. To feel the joy of your continuation in children, to feel your own blood, to convey to them a feeling of love, knowledge, the memory of your ancestors, to continue the family line, to preserve civilization. But this most important task can be completed in full only on the condition that the father and mother are adult, mentally born, self-sufficient men and women who deeply love each other. Only then will they be able to show love and care towards their children: physical, spiritual and spiritual.

6.Become equal
It is very important to create true equality between a man and a woman in a marital union. Both subconscious patriarchal programs and the modern “swing” of emancipation are at work here. True equality lies in the opportunity to become real men and women and give love to each other. We are equal in love and responsibility for our thoughts and behavior before God and each other.

7.Live in trust
It is impossible to fully understand what a family is for if we do not talk about trust. In general, it’s difficult for me to imagine life with another person if there is no openness and confidence in the integrity of your partner in the relationship. If we cannot trust our loved one with our thoughts, feelings, destiny. When we trust a loved one, we hope that we will be safe with him. Trust is one of the foundations of family relationships. Trust makes a man and a woman close to each other, helps to reveal their whole selves to each other, their hearts, to become close, deeply understanding and loving. Unfortunately, there are many examples around when a husband and wife do not trust each other, live like scouts behind enemy lines, disguising their true goals, feelings, desires and, ultimately, hiding their entire “I” from their other half. Such a life is bleak and often leads to a sad end.
