Re to Some more rules .....
id: 10029791
Hello to all and to you Bill .Sorry , but I would like to comment on some of your rules . You are absolutely right about the children . Here in Ukraine it is believed that it is impossible to come without a gift or sweets in the house where there are children .About the gifts to father , then I dare to say that this may be falsely interpreted as an explicit way to "buy" a good attitude or, worse, your gift may be interpreted as a hint that your financial situation is above the material conditions of people you came to visit . In this case it is best to limit a bottle of a good alcohol. "DO NOT talk about history, politics or religion" . I will allow myself to disagree with you again . It works if you just visit the family of your friend , but if you have a serious intentions with the girl you came to the house , that religion and politics are 2 topics that must to be discussed . The politic is a topical issue in connection with the recent events in Ukraine . If you are considering the possibility of marriage with a woman ,you came to visit , you need to be sure that your political views coincide . Moreover I think that the first question to you will be what is your attitude to the actions of Russia or something like that .And the only correct solution will be to answer very honestly this question . The developments in Ukraine have divided all people into friends and enemies . From personal experience I can say that I have lost many friends because of the difference of views on the situation in the East of the country. And about religion ... The religion of a substantial part of people in Ukraine has an unhealthy character . To a greater extent it concerns the residents of Western Ukraine . It is expressed in the various traditions , such as the prohibition of listening to music and watching TV during the Fasting . Or these people think that working on Sunday is strictly not acceptable . Even the food is prepared on Saturday to within the night to in any case not to do anything on Sunday . And there are many such examples . I guess not everyone will easily accept all these traditions , but if your girlfriend is so religious , you will not be able to change it and this issue will be a hindrance in your relationship . That's why I believe that the topic of religion should not to be ignored . You should just refrain from the sharp comments , but no more . Can you share the traditions that exist in your country ?