7 important signs of emotional intimacy, without any impossible happy hundreds.
id: 10054509

7th sign of emotional intimacy:

1. Encouragement and desire for development. In close couples, partners sigh and support one another, helping to create the best version of themselves.

2. Common hobbies and interests. Emotional closeness will be present in many different speeches. All partners respect their individual pursuits for the purpose of entertainment.

3. The ability to be yourself. Offended partners feel comfortable if they do not accept their shortcomings, knowing that they should not be criticized or criticized.

4. Safe exchange of emotions. Partners can share their fears, worries and worries, knowing that they will be listened to and supported without judgment.

5. Deep understanding and comfortable silence. There are no topics that are difficult or inappropriate to discuss. And by the way, it is possible to enjoy the company alone absolutely without words.

6. Interest in friendship. Confusion in everyday, everyday speech. The name of a colleague or the breed of a beloved husband - everything matters.

7. Povaga. We are talking about the value of thoughts, thoughts, cordons and feelings. Such hundred-year-olds place their partners on par with kindness, respect and treasures.

How to develop emotional closeness?
This process benefits both partners. Learn from the basics:

Be creative with the bath.

Show respect, sensitivity, sensitivity.

Pledge about mutual needs.

There will be more interests and burying.

In conflicts, look for the solution, not the guilty one.

First, you can develop an emotional connection with many others, and you can establish one with yourself. This means that you can clearly identify your needs, needs, feelings and goals.
