Dear members of I am really glad that you faced my blog and were curious to read it. I hope you won’t regret the time spent on reading my message to you, moreover it is dedicated to an eternal topic: Age difference between man and woman. Can relationships exist if a man is much older than a woman? The answer is – YES!!! I will be honest with you, my dear readers, I am always surprised when I notice a man’s profile, have an interest towards an information about this man given there, make a first step to become acquainted with him and… without even communicating with me, without even learning me better he tells me “Write me no longer, you are too young for me”. I am not inventing a story right now, I tell it from my own experience of being on this site. I had actually few such cases, when I understand, that probably men are not interested in my personality, my inner world. Maybe men are more pragmatic now? Maybe years old are on the first place for them while searching for a lady? I still didn’t find the reply on this question. Probably men are less romantic than they were before, they can’t surrender to the impulse of feelings and no matter how great is age difference between 2 people.
I am ready to confess now, I have never thought that in my 20 years old I would like my man being older than me, and to be honest, it is not important for me if the age difference will be 20 or 30 years. Maybe you have ever heard about the term “inner age”? If not I can explain it to you, my dear reader, but firstly I would like to ask you one question. Have you ever not feel your age? I mean have you ever had a situation maybe when you understood that your behavior or actions do not conform your real age? If yes, I can say you why… Because your inner age is completely different than your real one. You are probably much younger inside, but you were afraid to confess to yourself. You can be 55 years old, but inside you are 20, why not, dear? Why are we afraid to admit this? Therefore, why are men afraid to build relationships with ladies much younger than they are? Before disclose this complicated question I was thinking a lot, really… Maybe men are afraid that young ladies have only outer beauty and that’s all? Maybe they doubt whether it will be interesting for them with young ladies in future? Well, even so, how can men judge from the only first sight? Now I have another idea. Maybe these men had a bad experience with younger ladies and they don’t want to make the same mistake again? I do not want to call this question philosophical, but in this question there are a lot of sides to think about. I have just never thought that age difference could be a let in relationships. Vice versa, I was sure that it could be only an advantage. Just imagine, adult man, who is already well experienced, intelligent, mature, self-confident and goal oriented… he could only positively influence a young lady who is beautiful, with amazing body, pure, sometimes naïve (but it is only an advantage), simply return ticket to youth… Now I want to ask you again, my dear reader, what's wrong with the age difference between men and women?
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