The art of starting: conversation topics that make dialogue easy and fun
id: 10041522

**1. Trips:
"What is your dream place in the world to visit? Tell me about the most exciting adventure you have experienced."

**2. Movies and TV shows:
"Is there a movie or TV series that you recently watched and recommend? Why did it grab your attention?"

**3. Books and Literature:
"What book are you reading now? Or do you have a favorite book that you would recommend?"

**4. Hobbies and Interests:
"What do you do in your free time? Could you share your most exciting hobbies?"

**5. Food and Cooking:
"Do you have a favorite dish that you can cook? Or what cuisine do you prefer?"

**6. Music:
"What music inspires you? Is there any artist you've recently discovered?"

**7. Sports and Active Lifestyle:
"Are you involved in any sport or activity? How does it make you feel?"

**8. Current events:
"What do you think about recent events in the world? Is there anything that particularly interests or concerns you?"

**9. Technologies:
"What new technologies in the world of technology have impressed you? Is there anything you would like to try?"

**10. Personal Goals and Achievements:
"Do you have any personal goals that you are trying to achieve? How are you moving in that direction?"

Choose a topic that resonates with you and let the conversation blossom. Remember to listen carefully and give the other person the opportunity to share your thoughts. Good luck to you in easy and pleasant communication!
