Online romance: an invitation to adventure or a trap for the naive
id: 10043208

One of the most striking examples of the latter can be men who, without even bothering to introduce themselves, immediately offer to come to them. At first glance, this may seem romantic, but let's take a closer look at this situation.

Attracting attention on dating sites is not so easy, and it seems that some men choose a radical method - an invitation to hasty action. This type of communication raises not only surprise, but also a number of questions. Why “come” right away? Is it really that hard to start with a simple “hello”?

And now you are thinking about the possibility of meeting this mysterious stranger. But suddenly he adds: “I have no money.” This moment can be both overwhelming and eye-opening. Why invite someone to your place if you don’t even have the funds for a meeting ticket?

Adventure is wonderful, but not beyond reason. Online romance is not only a virtual world, but also real feelings and responsibility. At least I didn't come here to engage in humor....
