my to prepare your body for winter.
id: 10054419

Temperature without panic
The range of 18-22°C is a comfortable and even healthy temperature for people of all ages. So this news should not cause panic, experts say.

“High temperatures dry out the air in the house. This leads to dryness of the mucous membrane of the nose and oropharynx. Firstly, it is unpleasant. Secondly, if the mucous membrane is not sufficiently moisturized, bacteria and viral diseases more easily enter and attach to it,” doctors explain.

Therapists also say: “When the temperature is above 20°C, especially in winter, the body’s heat transfer increases. This can lead to hypothermia when a person goes outside.”

In addition, 18-19°C is a comfortable temperature for sleeping. The main thing is to cover yourself with a blanket and not sleep in a draft, they warn.

What about the risk of colds?

“It will not increase if you live not at a temperature of 23°C, but at 18°C. The main thing is to dress accordingly. After all, if you sit only in a T-shirt and socks and do not move at all at a temperature of 17-18°C, then the likelihood of a cold increases ", –

Dress up or endure the cold?
Is it normal for 18 degrees in an apartment? How to prepare your body for winter now
Stocking up on warm clothes and blankets is the right decision in any situation. However, doctors say that 18°C is not a reason to bundle up.

"If you are not used to this temperature, you should not wear shorts and a T-shirt. These should be long clothes and socks. If you are still cold, get dressed. You should not freeze. However, over time, you will notice that your body will get used to this temperature and you It will become more comfortable."

When going outside, follow the rules of layering.
This allows you not to freeze outside and not sweat indoors: “It’s better to choose a T-shirt and a warm jacket than a very warm sweater. When you go indoors, take off your jacket. Before going outside, put it on. Otherwise, you can sweat a lot and freeze even more.”

The doctor adds: it is important to insulate parts of the body located away from the heart. The blood supply is worse there. So don’t neglect socks even at home.

How to prepare your body for winter
One of the most common pieces of advice is to toughen up. However, this does not mean that you should start your morning with a cold shower and wear underwear at home at a temperature of 18°C.

“Hardening is not an act of one day, but a long process of reconfiguring the body. Start small - in the summer, go shopping in a safe place, do not forbid yourself and your children to wet their feet in a river or lake, do not be afraid of rain and do not dress too warmly.”

Also add regular physical activity to your schedule.
It doesn't have to be heavy cardio for two hours every day. Walking, cycling, dancing - any activity that gives you pleasure and gets you moving.

“Physical activity improves blood supply to the entire body and trains vascular tone so that the distribution of blood (and therefore heat) occurs more smoothly and in accordance with the needs of the body. So any regular sport is a good preparation for the cold winter.”

And most importantly, if you have an individual sensitivity to cold, then get a full check-up with your family doctor to take this into account when preparing for winter.

What if the temperature is below 18°C?
Is it normal for 18 degrees in an apartment? How to prepare your body for winter now

Doctors advise:

Get warm clothes and blankets. “Follow the rules of layering. The first layer should fit the body. The next one should be looser. Thermal underwear is also useful, which helps retain body heat. The moisture that forms on the body is removed through the membrane, and the heat is retained,” and clothing should not be tight.
Drink plenty of fluids. This can be either warm tea or water. The main thing is not alcohol. “Strong drinks have a short-term ability to warm you up. In the long term, alcohol can lead to hypothermia. Because certain processes in the body slow down, and a person does not feel the cold so clearly,”

Thank you all for your attention...your Yana.
