Now is your time
id: 10054064

To begin with, what is time? Scientists have been trying to explain this fact since ancient times. What I liked the most was the one that explains time as a unit of change in something through some action. Judge for yourself, time is an explanation for the rotation of the Earth around its axis. That is, this is a change in the position of our planet relative to its axis.

The same can be said about everyday life. About people. Every second some action occurs with absolutely every person. We are moving every second, every millisecond. For example, we sit, walk the dog, eat, watch TV, etc. You may say: “What about sleep? During it, we don’t do anything.” And I will answer you. Yes, we are sleeping. But sleep is also a process. This is also an action regarding something. Not to mention the fact that during sleep we change our position and can speak (not always these are words). There are also sleepwalkers. Don't forget either.

Why do I like this particular explanation? Because a person also changes from his very birth: he grows, develops as a person and then changes personally. Time is our past and our future. Even, probably, the real one. After all, there is an instant: a second or a millisecond.

Time is a photo album of our memories. We remember moments of happiness, excitement, tears and laughter, and each passing moment takes on its own unique hue in our memory. A few minutes can bring a unique storm of emotions to the memory.

But, of course, this magical world of time also has its difficulties. When we are waiting to meet our loved one, time passes incredibly slowly. And it always seems to you that it will never come. And sometimes, when we are faced with challenges and new opportunities, it is like a whirlwind, carrying us forward to our dreams.

So watch your time, trust your time and, perhaps, in some of its moments you will feel incredibly happy, filled with a storm of positive emotions. Then you can confidently say that your time has come.
