Just this morning the two of us were having a conversation about the
one thing every man or woman wants in a relationship. One of the
things we talked about is how it's possible for everyone to give this
gift to their partner, spouse or lover--but not many people do.
This is truly tragic when it's possible to give our partner or lover
something everyone wants but we hold back and don't give it to them.
So, what is it that we ALL want that we don't often get?
Some people think it's love we're talking about here and yes, we all
want love but there's something else we ALL want that we'll do almost
anything for...
Said another way (as it relates to our love relationships)...One of
the things we most want in the world is to feel "special," "of value"
and "important" to a significant other.
The fact is that we do all kinds of bizarre things we may not
ordinarily do (to feel significant) if we weren't trying to get love
and get the feelings of being wanted and desired.
We could go on and on and give you example after example of things our
coaching clients have told us (both healthy and unhealthy) that
they've done for love but what you're probably wondering is...
What's the lesson here and how can you use this to make your
relationship great or at least a whole lot better than it is right
It's simple...
If you like your partner, love them, want them, care for them, desire
them, appreciate them, value them and think they're special...
Then treat them that way.
That's what we try to do and we keep getting better and better at it.
Treating other people special and like they're important is such a
simple concept but people miss this idea somehow.
The question we like to ask a lot is...
"Will saying this, doing this or acting in this way bring me more love
and connection or less?"
It's important to appreciate and convey that your significant other is
important to you with words as well as actions that show this love and
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