how to make wishes come true
id: 10053121

Here's what you'll need:

1. Take paper and a pen and be ready to describe your wishes on paper. When writing, we formulate better. If you switch between writing with one hand and the other – even better! It helps load them into the brain (both hemispheres) and formulate them correctly.

2. Formulate only in a positive manner.

3. Formulate specifically: understanding the volume and quality of the planned result.

4. Make wishes that concern only you. You shouldn't try to change the destinies of other people through your wishes.

5. Make wishes that cannot destroy the lives and relationships of others with their fulfillment. Otherwise, it all comes back to you.

6. Imagine in detail the image of the desired result. Use words like: see, hear, feel.

7. Intend to take real steps toward fulfilling your wishes – you still need to be where and with whom your wishes can come true. Take small steps every day, and everything will work out!

After all, you are the authors of your own lives, right? 😇

May all your wishes come true! ❤️
