Of realities and groceries
id: 1883861

Hello fellow men and women of this dating site, a friend I met here, and bought contacts for, texted me these images I post - her apartment was damaged in a 3 am explosion today by Russians. Many of us choose to keep letters here light, but there are a lot of issues in the Ukraine now, and also for the refugees who traveled without many resources or work, leaving their life behind. In Ukraine are shortages of power, food, and heat. In the past I sent groceries to maybe a dozen over time. But I checked my Inbox, and keeping in mind I blocked over ten thousand ladies I was so overwhelmed - and I had over 50 wonderful awesome deserving ladies all asking for a Food Basket in the last 48 hours. Let that sink in for a moment. We are coming in to a Holiday season. It is a good time for some compassion. What if every man who read this blog post bought 1-3 food baskets to his favorite deserving ladies that could really use it? It is a scale of support we can do, even if we collectively feel overwhelmed by the need. It is a kind way we can do our part, and I expect the ladies we serve will be very thankful. Who knows, maybe that is the spark that someday leads to a happy marriage
