Top 5 woman's mistakes in relations
id: 10035224
1. The first one - too much care and love.
2. THe second one is - offences with no reason.

Top 5 woman's mistakes in relations.
Mostly people think that there are no place in their lives for

everlasting love and it is only myths... People think that every

relations end soon and they live, while love is alive. How to make

your relations longer and happier? How not to kill feelings and

desires? Let's talk on it))
We are going to speak about the most popular woman's mistakes in

relations.. I think men will understand what I mean and every man was

a victim at last of one mistake... If I am wrong let me know!) So,

let's go!
1. The first one - too much care and love. Every person wants to

have his own sone of comfort and to have at least a half an hour a

day to think of his problems or ideas. But some women try to

interfere all man's deals and want to control everything conected

with her man. She calls him every 5 minutes and asks stupid questions

and so on... Very soon she hears from hil love: I am sick and tired

from you. For us, not to male this mistake, we have to be more

understanding and to trust our partner. Trust - is the base of

2. THe second one is - offences with no reason. Is sounds strange but

still some women use this strategy to attack their men. Women think

that men can read their thoughts and they have to do it.. BUT men

can't understand such acting and starst to look for his fault in this

situation.. Sometimes it works very good, but when use this strategy

all the time it gets very soon and destroyes relations at all...
3. This one is connected with involving "strangers" in your

relations. It is very and very popular problem not only between women

but men like to make gossips too. But today we speak about women's

drawbacks) It is just a fail to tell to your relatives and friends

about what happen in your relations.. They not knowing all the truth

start to give advices to you and they don't work, because it is your

relations, not relations of your relatives or friends... Try to find

the solution by your own or with your soulmate. It is the best way in

this case..
4. The biggest mistake, I think is - to think that your man is your

slave. It is just horrible, because woman wants to make her man to do

everything and only what she want, not asking his oppinion. And very

soon man says: I am bored to death with her... SO try to get on well

without domination. We are civilized people and can talk about

everything. SO this is the best way in any problem - to tell your

partner about things you don't agree with.
5. The last mistake we are going to take is - to find the guilty of

your soulmate in all possible problems. I think that in every

situation are guilty only two. I think it is more than wrong to ti

think: I am absolutely right and you have to cope with it by your

own.. We make this mistake very and very often... So let's pay

attention at all these problems of us and try not to act this way!))

Who is with me? Let me know)))