5 reasons why marriage is important
id: 10035271
This ​post isn't going to be a list of facts, experinced during the life or some kind of tips collection from a woman, which have already been married for a couple times, but a set of thoughts and assumptions of a woman, who is really going to find a soulmate for life and marriage.
If you have already been married, you may have discovered why marriage is so important and experienced some of the good that comes from it. Or, maybe marriage was hard for some of you and you’re no longer married. However, there is hope. But that hope starts with realizing that marriage can be more amazing than you have experienced or even thought.
Here are 5 main reasons to explain, why is it important to be married:
#1 - Love:
The first and the main reason, proving that both people fell in love. Marriage is designed to mirror our Creator’s unconditional love for us. It’s a love that will always be there and will never leave us or forsake us.
#2 - Unity:
When a man and woman get married, the “two become one.” Marriage is a bond like no other. It gives us a life partner, a teammate, as we move through the challenges of life together
#3 - Happiness:
Marriage is most people’s greatest source of happiness. Most people, when asked “what is your greatest source of happiness?”, answer “my marriage.” So why would they do something wrong, which
#4 - Stability:
When you are married, your mind mostly stays clear about what you want to claim and the first thing that matters in such circumstances - is your own family. If you are happy in your marriage - your life remains calm and stable.
#5 - Parenting:
When a marriage produces a child or receives a child through adoption, it is one of life’s greatest blessings. The effects of that fact are amazing. But it is very important for a child to be grown in a good family. When children are raised in a healthy marriage, they get a front row seat to see and experience the lasting benefits of strong family