Hiyyyaaa & Welcome to my blog. im Dar'ya and my last name isn't Shakespeare :)) Actually its my first try to write something here. I dont consider myself as a person who has a pure talent of writing but im tired of writing down only food-lists for my mommy :) So today you are welcome to read something more than a list which usually looks like:
- 10 eggs
- 1 baguette
- milk & corn flakes
- toilet paper
- m&m's, maybe some chocolate bar
- carrots, avocado and mushrooms
etc etc :))))
Nope this is not what we are going to speak about today. Because my idea is to bring up the Bucket List topic ! Im not sure have you ever seen that movie (from 2007 i guess) with super cool actors such as Morgan Freeman and Jack Nickolson but having few days off for winter holidays made me re-watch few very cool movies , among which was this one as well!
I will not stop now at the fantastic play of these two, at humor points, at moments which bring tears to my eyes while i been watching the movie ... Because we both are adults and know that watching a good movie is like having a good sex: always leave an emotion deeply :) FOR LONG time!!!!
But this movie wasn't just emotional and deep but also gave me a great kick at my ass to start thinking of MY OWN list of things which i would like to do . Right now. This year! Every month !
Lets run back a little and here i will explain that I live in country where people learn that everything in life comes only with hard work. That luck isn't exist and that to dream = to waste time. That if you were born in poor family you would never become rich and famous. That if you dont have "right" connections with "right" people in society - you would always stay at your zero point... Nope, we are not pessimists here. But we work hard to get things which some people get just by LUCK:) Ukrainians rare believe in luck and blessings, but we do believe in Love, Family, Hard Work, Dedication and , of course, Homer Simpson & Santa :))))
Now.. back to the track ))) Seeing this movie remind me that actually to dream, to do crazy things, to laugh when you wanna laugh or to cry when you wanna cry, to travel, to see world, to meet new people, to be insane sometimes in your wish to be HAPPY - is normal :) Its ok! And these January days i use my lunch break at shop where i work for..... creating my own list.
Believe me, its not easy ( cause as i said earlier - i learned, being a kid , quite well that dreaming is not useful for life))) And ONLY now i finally start it from the very beginning!
And hurahhhh here we go!!!
My crazy list of things i would like to do in 2017 as time is limited and i need to know that with help of this site i will get a Partner -in - Crime for doing all these things! So don't judge me but maybe laugh a little:))))
1 Learn how to bake a caramel tart
2 See Brazil , eat coconut ice cream on the top of the Corcovado Mountain !
3 Swim with dolphins ( even if it will be in swimming pool ))
4 Learn how to and knit socks for my beloved. Both socks should be alike:)
5 Start learning playing piano. Forget how to play those two horrible songs i can play on guitar
6 Learn samba moves
7 Start saying hello to people in local coffee shop where i drink my coffee every morning. Till now i was too shy for that :)
8 Learn English so good that you would be shocked. My mom - too )
9 Buy a little black dress from Chanel
10 Go to movies alone and enjoy it together with pop corn and huge coke!
11 Learn how to chose right wine for fish and cheese
12 To say " I love you" and to hear " I love you) this year from someone Special
I think this would be just enough for 12 months :) Now you, man! Whats in your Bucket list? Or you too "Ukrainian in your heart" to dream BIG?
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