id: 2393985

After several letters received, I thought about the discussion of gender equity/roles. Women tell me that they do not need my money. They will earn their own, to use on clothing, spas, etc. They say this way, when they wish to buy something it will not affect the relationship. I beg to differ. I say IT ALREADY HAS.

Maybe cultural differences across the globe induce this pattern of thinking, I do not know. I just take from my life experiences. I will say without regret, I was married for 13 years. I will not go into details that lead to the conclusion of the relationship. That is for personal discussion. MONEY was NOT the cause. Read on.

I will tell that at its zenith, the relationship was a TRUE PARTNERSHIP. Both husband and wife worked. There were no separate bank accounts. No hidden monies squirreled away for special interest. FIRST, there was true equity. In love, we found a PARTNER, with whom we wanted to share everything. Building any partnership takes supreme honesty. Knowing that we trust that both of us are on the same page about ALL expenditures, ensures that we could run our partnership successfully. (Ever hear about an embezzler ruining a company? This can happen to a relationship too!) Whether one partner earns more than another is insignificant (this goes to being mature enough to acknowledge what a partnership means), as the common wealth is used to support all things within. If you say to yourself now- "but what about when I want that expensive (any item here)? Then we are secure and trusting enough in each other to discuss this. I have wants just as YOU do! But we are a team! We map a plan. Maybe this month, you get the gorgeous dress you found , and I wait til next month to buy that awesome piece of electronics (or whatever). An important component of a good relationship is wealth management. Sometimes in our hurry to dive headlong into the passion, we neglect the real concepts the hold two people together. There is equity, in the trust that the interests of both are weighed EQUALLY, and through common sense, plans are laid.

Letters ask if I can be with "such a wealthy" woman. TRUTH is: I DON'T CARE. I am not here for wealth building- least not in the literal sense. So you are wealthy- good for you. I am not. I am not crying. I look for a partner. In EVERYTHING. Just happens that money comes into play in all interactions- even ones of passion. Best we realize that trust, maturity, and honesty MUST be the building blocks we start with, or a solid foundation for the future cannot be achieved.
Women ask to be equals. I know it differs across the globe, but I like to believe that here in the States, it is possible. I for one take it to heart. There is NO BOSS- NO LEADER. It is two hearts bound in such a way that all outcomes are born from the common desire to pursue happiness as ONE.
