How to succeed in acquaintances))
id: 10034212
Many guys eternally are interested in the question, how it can happen that easily and without any problems?! Heh, big big trouble - to meet a girl, and make her immediately like you, and, what is more, build further relationships. Here is MY view, and some of MY recommendations - this way I like to be treated myself:
1. Flirting is the first step in getting acquainted with the girl, it helps you show your intentions and (in general) the character... SO! To start, set your expectations at a reasonable level, do not think you are the most charming Prince Charming. You are a human, so something can go (and usually goes) wrong. And it is OK!
2. Walk up to a girl only for the sake of conversation. This, for me, immediately increase your chances. Speak confident and relaxed as possible, as if you are communicating with your good friend, or even a close friend. Remember? There's no friendship between man and woman, it always comes to love ;-) Try not to worry and not think about what happens if something you say wrong with this girl.
3. Just come to the selected object, and at first introduce yourself, unless of course you are familiar. Ah, how many men fail this stage! They just come and pretend to be macho. Concentrate on a girl better, ask how she was doing, and what she wanted to do.
4. Try ask questions, more than to talk about yourself. Find out what she was doing, what she likes, or, conversely, that she does not like. Make some light, easy compliment to her dress, jewelry, accessory. If it is her turn to ask questions, try to answer truthfully, but not too critical towards anything. Try to maintain a conversation with your chosen one just... lively!
5. Keep eye contact, but do not push it. And always smile while talking! You are at hunt, to some extend, but it has not to be killing ;-)
6. Pay attention to the signals that the girl herself gives you.
Well, so now you have it. Curious, on whom you will try it ;-)