Hello to you, my dear readers,
Thank you for being curious to read my blog, which is concerned to a really serious topic about how to attract the man and should ladies do something special to attract the man at all.
If you are curious why I am writing about this problem exactly, I can tell that I faced personally with it. I sincerely hope that my blog will be useful for ladies who are young but already want to find love here, or for ladies who just don’t know what to do in order to attract man’s attention.
You know, maybe my reply will surprise you, but on the questions “How to attract man?” my answer will be “You have to do nothing”. Do not rush to resent, my dear readers, I am going to explain. Well, even not on this site only, but in real life I met ladies who are ready for all victims just in order to attract attention of a man whom a lady chose. Watching from the side it can be even funny how lady learns the man, his manner to behave, his interests, just his views on life. This exactly moment lady seems to change her “mask”, her “outfit”, she hides her real personality and she starts to behave in the manner of her chosen man. She starts to tell him what he expects to hear from her, she is ready even to have the same hobby as this man has. What is this lady thinking about at this moment: “The most important is to catch his attention now, then we will see?”. I just don’t understand, why ladies are afraid to show themselves as they are, to show themselves real, open. Why do some ladies think that man is looking for the ideal woman? I am completely sure that there are no flawless people, why just some of us try to seem flawless? Of course maybe it will attract man’s attention, he will be simply surprised to see such a person in real eyes. But it will be a shock, nothing more. I assure you, my dear readers, for life the man will choose the lady who doesn’t want to seem someone else. Ladies, you don’t have to do everything the man does, especially if you even don’t like this activity. Be yourself, be open, stay always yourself and do not try to become a victim. I think this exactly will attract the man most of all. He will be curious to learn you, step by step, founding each time something new about you. Be honest with a man, there is no need to embellish and exaggerate. I think that true love accepts the honesty, just like you are. Nothing can be more attractive than the real personality, with his or her point of view, inner world, passions, disadvantages even. All this make us unique, unrepeatable. In any case you will find a person who will accept you and love you as you are. You don’t need to invent ways to attract attention of a man, just be honest, be sincere, be open and you will become simply unique for him.
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