A lot of people generally believes that relationships owe us happiness and bliss ever after. While happy couples do exist, divorce statistics indicate a great majority are not happy.
Relationships Are Always Free of Dependence! This unappealing reality truly holds the key for a genuine loving relationship that is free of dependence on the other. The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.
Transformation is what relationships are all about. We remain in romantic relationships while the going is good, but typically break it off at the first sign of trouble. If the individual we love turns out differently than our preliminary estimation of them, we feel they led us to believe something about their character that was not accurate, or, that we just can’t trust our judgment.
There are several suggestions for enhancing your relationships. My vision of the Strategy to Follow:
1) Realize that attraction, love, chemistry, and emotion, come about because of the psycho-emotional and spiritual makeup of your inner woman or man. These are precisely in order so that you may work on these and develop further. It can be your psyche’s way of helping to make you whole. That is why relationships are of such enormous importance in individual growth and development.
2) Always watch any kind of «affect» (emotion, both negative and positive). It gives strong clues to where you should work on something (even if it proves the other person can be a heel). But if you were “whole”, your affect would not get involved.
3) Assess arguments, NOT from the perspective of how egotistical, horrible, envious, or domineering your partner is, but from the point of view of what the argument is telling you about yourself. The other might indeed be all those things, but it is considerably less important to dwell on their failings than on your own opportunity for growth by observing your reactions to whatever is occurring.
4) Use that understanding to change, grow, and comprehend. You always have a choice in your reaction to any situation.
5) Become very aware of you at ALL times. Watch the times you’d like to prevaricate, or at least, tell stuff in a way that is not 100 per cent the real way, and attempt to discover why. Are you afraid you’ll not be accepted or loved if you show your real self?
6) Especially watch those romantic relationships that have an imbalance of power. If you are top, ask yourself what you get out of it. If you’re on the bottom, why are you in a position to be there? The answer to this serves your growth. Don’t forget, it takes two to tango!
7) Develop a sense of self by filling your own requirements instead of by trying to fill them through others. Really love yourself first! Then as soon as you’ve come into the practice of doing that regularly start dating! But prepare yourself first!!!
8) Be Yourself – open, sincere and reliable. Be positive and optimistic. Never lie (even to yourself!). Trust the personality of each person you are talking to.
9) Take every situation for granted. Almost every time you are feel, understand and analyze yourself, so take everything seriously.
10) Make sure you want to reach happiness. If still you are unsure, take some paper and a pen and write down all pros and cons to make it clear – what you have now, and what is the expected result. You are investigate the outcome yourself and realize that it is possible!
I wish you took much effort and surely it may help you to build the strongest relationships ever.
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