Dating after 50
id: 10021957
This blog is not for youngsters at their 30’s, I am writing it for more mature men and women. I heard one recent news report that 40 % of online daters today are over the age of 50. If you’re in that group, you are at significant risk for a rebound divorce, or marrying the wrong person, usually far too quickly, later in life. When those marriages don’t work out, the consequences can be even harsher because you are older and less resilient, financially and emotionally. According to the latest census research, those over the age of 50 are now divorcing at double the rate of younger people. The even more riveting subgroup is those over 50 who are remarried. The odds of divorce are 40 % higher for people in remarriages, so the people most likely to divorce late in life are the ones who have already been divorced and then remarried.
So the question is: Should we still looking for love? My answer is yes!!! Definitely Yes!!! I truly believe that better try to do at least something to become happy in life than live a life without any hopes, expectations, emotions and fears. Better do mistakes and try to correct them than do nothing. There is still a chance to find the very person who will be 100% compatible with you, who will bring you joy and sweet moments.