I am mad about it
id: 89011
My loving find a bride I am so mad about this one thing I can not understand why on God's green earth why we can not just get along with nations and not fight in warfare I'm sick of it as for me a disabled combat veteran of the side of the planet on the opposite I'm going to be able to see you all I want to express myself make love not war we would be to bussey doing it and a lot less time killing each other i love you all and want you so bad I almost destroyed my room here at christen restoration center in the united States of america in Missouri popular bluff and I want to have more children lots of them and a fine wife only find a bride can offer it told in the holy Bible that the king Jesus Christ will return looking for his bride the church well here I am finders keepers you knowing you I mean will I saved myself for 9 years now I missed sex that long I missed that makes me within forgot what it was like so I'm so hot and can you put out the internal flames withing me before I go crazy person write me soon just go to charliebrown on this site OK my sister muffins xoxox