How to love a man
id: 10055081

1. Compliment him - about anything. He has the broadest shoulders, he is the smartest, he is the best driver, kisser, etc.

2.Stock the fridge with things he loves.

3. Let him live his life. Remind him that it's time to see his old school friends, even if they terrify you with their primitiveness; give him time to indulge in his hobbies.

4. Do not touch anything on his desk, shelf, or in his other private corners. Do not crumple the newspaper or cut anything out of it until he has finished reading it.

5. Respect his modesty. Don't rush into the bathroom looking for your curlers while he's shaving.

6. Maintain your sexual attractiveness for him. Don't sleep in shapeless T-shirts (unless they look very seductive on you), curlers or skin masks.

7.Take him by the arm on the street, take him by the hand in a movie or theater, pat him on the back, hug him, kiss his hair. Some studies show that men need physical affection more than sex.

8. Tell him that he has changed your life for the better. Thanks to him, you have become smarter, sexier, more generous than you were before him.

9. Show compassion. You may be the only person he can turn to with his problems. Sometimes just hugging him is enough for him to calm down and understand that you are there and love him, no matter what.

10.Keep your house clean. No matter how messy he is, your persistent efforts to make the house clean, tidy and cozy will gradually begin to rub off on him. He will not only clean up after himself, but also make the bed the same way you do and put the dishes back in place.

11.Do as many things as possible together. Jogging around the park? Computer games? Dance lessons? Couples who vacation together stay together.

12. Get along with his family. If you have a difficult relationship with them, he cannot but know about it, but you do not need to be the initiator of quarrels. If you are lucky and have wonderful parents, then try to do everything you can for them, as often as possible.

13. Give up the habit that irritates him - smoking, swearing, always being late. Of course, it will take you longer to get dressed and do your hair, but try to start earlier.

14.When he is sick, look after him like a little one. Let him stay in bed, tuck in the blanket, bring food and tea on a tray.

15. Be friendly and polite with his secretary, colleagues, friends (we have already mentioned relatives), so that in a conversation with him it would not occur to anyone to speak ill of you.

16.Tell him often that he is the only one who interests you. No movie stars can compare with him.

17. Never criticize him in front of witnesses.

18. Be faithful to him.
