Surely, the topic of my blog will catch not only ladies attention...Sometimes women call all men "womaniser ", yes, every Man who wants to get to know or invite for a cup of coffee...Mostly all women say "It's man's nature to act like a hunter".
Such men's behaviour seems to be inconsistent, they don't know what exactly want from woman as well. He wants woman's attention, he wants to conquer her, he wants her to fall in love and then he suddenly escaped or focus on another woman...Something tells me, that every woman know such behavior,it's the endless story like a vicious circle. Now I am not going to argue...I want just to discover the main reasons why a great number of men act like womanisers.
I speak about Russian, Ukrainian men,about those who wanted to pick me up some years ago :) To my mind, the first and the main reason of such behavior is self-appraisal.It seems to be sooooo high,but in reality all womanisers are cock-sure, but not self-confident. That is why they always needs doping, they always hunt for women, their love, attention,sometimes even their money.
Womaniser always needs to prove "I am the best man, the best of the best,I am hunter, I am conquer "...It is like a quest game, and step by step life turn into stupid game... Game with human feelings.
Million men live this way, and only few change themselves,because of ONE Special ONE UNIQUE ONE WOMAN... so, I wish all womanizers to stop for a minute and let yourself fall in love.
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