Who said that 8th of March is not a holiday?
id: 10023718
Hi my best reader. I hope you are in a perfect mood today and simply enjoy your life.

First of all, I want to congratulate you with spring. It is really long awaited here. I don’t know what winter was in your country but in Ukraine it was the coldest and the most snow-covered winter ever. March has already come and this means that the International Women’s Day is really close. Actually it is the topic of my blog this time. I repeat, I don’t know how it goes in your country, but in Ukraine I noticed the tendency of downturn of this holiday. Men in Ukraine became less romantic. Actually it is one of the reason I am on this site but that’s not it. I just hear an attitude towards this holiday here and I am simply shocked. No one thinks that this day a lady should be like a queen. Why people stopped consider women weak beings who need caress and attention?

I will tell you why! I don’t know if you have noticed or not, but there are category of women who consider holidays simply days of getting as many gifts as possible. Of course men are already afraid of different dates like 14th of February or 8th of March as they simply understand: their purse will thin. How could they continue consider women weak and tender as they see them sly and thought-out. BUT, my dear reader, I want to recall you that there is still another category of ladies, who doesn’t wait for some goods this day. Pleasant warm words are much more precious for us this day. I am sure, maybe we are few, but WE ARE!!! Dear men, please, don’t forget that the 8th of March most of us are waiting for words, nothing more, as the 8th of March is still a holiday, is still a Women’s Day!!!
