id: 48756
I want to wish all the women in your country a HAPPY WOMEN'S DAY. I do hope you all celebrate it with the one you love, think about or want to be with. I see your Women's Day and compare it to our Mother's Day in May. On that day, we father's and sons and daughters honor their mother. This is usually done by taking her out to a nice dinner and making her feel like a queen.

As for all the ladies who have written me, I am sorry I cannot reply, but to that special lady that I have chatted with many times before on here and on video, I have not forgotten you but do not have funds to purchase any credits so we can chat. I do hope you understand. I realize that your country just had a men's day and I could not ask for anything, but if you want to chat more, then maybe a good late men's day gift would be to see about getting me some credits so I could be closer to you.
