In every second profile you read on this site, you will find words “I am looking for my soul mate”, the RIGHT person who will understand you without words, share your world views and love you unconditionally. And many of us, in our search, face major disappointments, coming to the conclusion: “No, this person wasn’t RIGHT for me! I’ll look for somebody else!” And this search seems endless sometimes… We browse through a hundred profiles, five-minute chat here, ten-minute chat there… We jump into hasty relationships… to only exclaim afterwards: “Oh, where is my IDEAL match??!!”
But… do soul mates really exist?? Is it even possible to find someone who will match you as the second shoe in a pair? Or is it a widely advertised myth?
Well, let’s be a little bit scientific about it, shall we :)? It appears psychologists have conducted numerous researches on love and how it appears… and even if it is possible to evoke love in the laboratory… Surprising, isn’t it :)? And even more surprising are the results of an experiment. It appears that you can fall in love with ANYONE… and that ANYONE can be your soul mate!!! It all depends on you, and EACH choice you make can be the right one! But… Why is there always a but :)?
We often think about love as something that happens to us. We fall. We get crushed. Yet, love is a deliberate action and you DO need to work on it :)! In the first place… to get to really know someone. The famous psychologist Dr. Arthur Aron offers 36 of increasingly personal questions you would not normally ask on a first date, that slowly but steadily develop the sense of closeness between you and your would-be soul mate. What questions are those? What is your most treasured… or terrible memory? What roles do love and affection play in your life? What does friendship mean to you? Is there something that you’ve dreamed of doing for a long time? Very often our relationships fail because we’re simply not aware that the other person thinks differently about things that matter: love, friendship, fidelity, devotion…
Deliberately investigating the other, revealing your innermost secrets, peeping into the other’s fears, hopes, dreams… generates gratitude, appreciation, and closeness. And surprisingly, at the end of such a DELIBERATE date, whether online in chat, or eye-to-eye, you may actually be in awe… because your soul mate will be sitting right in front of you :)! Love is a more pliable thing than we make it out to be. It’s possible — simple, even — to generate trust and intimacy, the feelings love needs to thrive.
Please make time and give effort to talk to someone you’re interested in… and, who knows, maybe you’ll finally find your SOUL MATE :)!!
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