A Sleeping Pill Post :D
This post will be interesting only for music-lovers. So if you are not, you have a risk to fall asleep at the very first paragraph :D

In my youth I used to be university professor of music. So my friends often ask me for advice when they go to opera.

But opera is the art that not all people understand. It is not a comedy play or a musical, so maybe you will also want some tips about what to choose when you go to opera.

1. NEVER attend Wagner’s opera. It is better to listen to it at home, because it lasts up to 5 hours.
2. If you are not really keen on opera, you’d better choose Verdi or Mozart, because they are simple and close to any person.
3. If you are experienced music-lover, you could try Rakhmaninov and Chopin.
4. If you like romanticism, you could pick Tchaikovsky or Rakhmaninov.
5. Do not go to watch modern versions of the opera. Sometimes they overdo. You'd better choose classical variant as it will be okay anyway.

As for me personally, my favorite composer is Puccini. I dream to meet the man who could give me same beautiful feeling of soaring above the peaceful Earth, as Puccini’s music does… They say, dreams come true. Hope mine will also do!