What are we looking for? Strive for? What we do expect from life?
id: 10034913
Every person in life has many and will have a lot of meetings and partings, life stories, lucky those who have already determined and happy. What are we looking for? What do we strive for? What do we expect from life? Is it an ideal partner, perfect love or perfect relationship? Most of people are lonely because they do not let anyone enter into their hearts. Somewhere there, very deep down in us, exist a fear that does not believe and trust people, and sometimes we let that fear win and rule our life. But in spite of anything, each of us unconsciously looking for soul mate and striving to build a harmonious relationship, and as a result win a battle with a fear, because the security of harmony - is loyalty and trust. It seems to me that true intimacy can only be where loyalty is supposed to be. Do not you stink so?