"You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed" - the saying that I follow in my life and call other people to support it.
I like animals very much and for that reason it's always painful and pathetical for me to see unfortunate homeless animals that used to have their owners who just ruthlessly put them out on the street.
Despite it, every homeless animal will still keep their former owner as the closest friend in their heart because in comaprison with people animals are very faithful and loyal to the person they chose. Animals are not vindictive, they can forgive.
It often happens that a lonely desperate person who does not love anybody and is not loved by anyone, standing on the edge of the life's abyss, is saved from a tragic step by a faithful creature that melts ice in the heart of the person and brings him/her back to life with their faithfulness and affection.
So how is it possible to put an animal out on the street and just wipe them from your memory? Are there really people who are not touched by the sight of a small living hairball with a wet nose? After all, any animal forever remains a human child, defenseless and completely dependent on the owner. At good owners the animal becomes the member of a family, it is pampered and loved. And if you put such an animal out on the street, it will be doomed to dying.
That's is sad but, unfortunately, there are still many homeless animals all over the world and it pushed me to open the animal shelter for them. I want them to find new home where they will be loved and cared. That is my dream and I'm working to make it true.
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