Online dating is almost the same as real dating, categories but gives more options.
But just as in life here you can meet so many different people to discover and learn!
I know dividing categories is not very polite thing, but sometimes it could be useful and interesting)
That's why i want to tell you about 7 types of women you can meet here!The women you will come across online are very diverse regarding their outlook not only about "men" but their entire online dating expectations and attitude
1.Chase me honey!Ooo please chase me!
Those are ladies who know for sure real women will never chase a man!She would be happy to answer to your attention and this would make her feel very special!Mostly such ladies will be faithful and dedicated partners, as long as you will give her feeling of being special and keep relations alive and exciting!
2.Pass my test, i will compare by my check list
Those lovely girls are very serious because they know for sure what kind of man do they need, to get the attention of such a girl you must have all the qualities and attributes of the man she is searching for at this site. But if you won't finisher list... she won't even communicate with you(
3.Evil lady
I would recommend to stay away from such a gorgeous lady))LOL
Though it is very personal thing)Someone likes it hotter
Such Ladies believe that life treats them unfair,and the information at her profile will gives you the list of what she does not want and the feeling like you have read an horror story!
4. Goddness do not reply!
Gorgeous,ellegant,marvelous,amazing lady...Her pictures and profile takes your breath away, but despite logging on regularly never respond to messages or invites to chat((Such ladies have many admiers,they receive many letters and imply can't reply to all!But there is also one more thing, such girls wait for an outstanding man, to get her attention you need to write something special, funny or smart)) You must be a Prince saving her from the castle with a dragon and give her a feeling of being queen to keep the relations alive.Rare man can handle such...
5.YES!YES!OOOPS.... scary...
Those lovely Slavic ladies will give you tons of information about themselves, way too fast, they would happily chat with you at any topic and sharing any thoughts,but when time will come to move the relations farther,they will calm up reaaaaly fast(
Communicating with such a sort of gorgeous ladies try to ask her more specific question,like for exampl what does she knw about your country,what does her familythink about her wanting to move abroad,etc.
it is very possible to create real relations with such ladies,just try to keep in your mind to remind her from time to time about the final goal of you r time here))
6.Take me,yes yes yes
This tipe of slavic ladyes which will gladly talk with you and answer to your messedges even without checking on your profile(As fast as she appeared in your life as fast she might disappear and stop to reply to you.It is always better to talk to the lady who knows your profile and saw your photos!
7.Random lady
Modest,open ,friendly ,fresh!Such girls usually register on the site by accident,friends recommended or saw the promotion somewhere)))They do not pretend and do nothide who they are,they are priceless because they are not for sale))LOL
The only advice is to be honest with every type of the ladies ,they all unique and gorgeous!Every of them deserves to be loved!
Do you have any cathegory to add?
Would be curious to hear what do men think)
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