What makes us happy?
id: 10043477

I think that many people don't even notice the little things that can make them happy right now. Why do people admire sunset and dawn before the age of 25, why do people stop admiring it after that age? Do they stop seeing something beautiful and magical in it?Or maybe it's boring, since we see it every day?
The little things around us, in winter, are the beauty of snow, icicles and the atmosphere in the house that it gives, in spring it is a variety of birds around, the flowering of everything, flowers, trees, waking up a stream and many animals, in autumn it is a color change. At any time of the year, you can find something small, but so meaningful to our soul. I like what I see around me now. And I would really like people, despite some life problems or failures, the war around them, or a difficult life, I want them to be able to see the good around them, it is so important for our inner peace.
