Myth or reality: friendship between a man and a woman
id: 10054671

Yes, they say that there is no friendship between the sexes. But this is just a fairy tale! After all, why not catch a cloud by the tail or eat a moon pie? Everything is possible in this world, even friendship between a man and a woman!

Imagine: you are sitting in a cafe, discussing the latest news and suddenly... bam! Instead of a cloud service, friendship with the opposite sex appears! Who would have thought?

But seriously, friends! Friendship is like a pig in a poke. You never know what you'll get until you open the bag. Maybe you will find your best friend there, with whom you will share secrets and discuss the latest trends. Or maybe there will be something else interesting there. Who knows?

So, my friends, let's laugh at this old myth and draw conclusions with humor! Can friendship between a man and a woman become a reality? Share your stories and impressions, because friendship is what makes the world brighter and more fun!
