Let's be sincere about our wishes :)
you know my wishes often can be crazy and unusual. i don't like to hide my emothions or feelings. I hate to feel that life is just passing by...
I want to live for some time on desert island... Is that possible to find it nowadays?) will you be my company for this? It can be great possibility to enjoy each other and our inner world only... great time to understand what we live for and what we really want. Feel the nature, feel the universe... happiness and harmony. right? it should be wonderful.
Sometimes I feel that i am child... i want many sweets, baloons and funny music... and at this day i don't want to solve any serious problems, I just want have fun. I have no doubts each one has child inside, but if your child always "sleeps" you lose a lot. I hope my man will spoil my inner child sometimes.
One more strange thing I want to try is to go to other country with very different culture and live there for some weeks. Country with not english or russian language, not touristic place. Just any point on globus. Buy tickets and go. Of course it is necessary to check that it will be safe and better take someone. After with great interest I want discover this place, look what people do there and how they live. I belive it can bring more impressions that "all-inclusive" tour and it develops brain and imagination.
Also I feel free to try different kinds of physical pleasure. I believe that two people who love each other and open to any ideas can do incredibly exciting and pleasant things. I want to be on heaven from each touch and discover that love can have so many sides. Are you with me? ;)
Well... I like to shout loud or sing songs in the forest or field, I like dance when it is raining. I like to hug person whom I missed long time very passionately and feel that i can eat him right now. I like to cry from happiness. I don't think that i am strange or crazy. I just think that we should love life and follow our feelings.
If we don't make wishes come true then we don't live. Are you ready to make dreams come true with me?
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