The most important part of love. "trust"
id: 8312425

I have read quite a few blogs about love and relationships on this site. All of them written by the female of our species. I phrase it this way because of the age range of the writers. From late teens/early twenties to ladies in their fifties. I, personally, think that you ladies are missing or ignoring the most important part of any relationship, be it a loving, a friendship, or a business relationship. The key that everyone seems to miss or ignore is TRUST. Every relationship is built on trust whether it is business or personal. There are lawyers and contracts as safe guards in business from misdirection, lies, and theft the big problem comes with personal relationships. Personal relationships are different kettle of fish especially when love is involved. This is an excerpt from the definition of love from the Collins English Dictionary. "Love, affection, devotion all mean a deep and enduring emotional regard, usually for another person." I have read the definition for l
"LOVE" from several Dictionaries and written articles. I have come to the conclusion that the writers have never really been in love with someone other than themselves.

LOVE has a foundation and without that foundation you will have nothing but words and in this case you are going to want a lawyer. The FOUNDATION that love is built on is TRUST and TRUST is built on a foundation of HONESTLY and INTEGRITY!! This is just a few of the parameters defining INTEGRITY:

• Refrain from sharing secrets and confidential information with others.

• Avoid gossiping about other people.

• Follow through on promises you make.

• Return found items without an expectation of receiving a reward.

• Admit when you are wrong.

Merriam-Webster dictionaries definition of HONESTY:

honesty implies a refusal to lie, steal, or deceive in any way. honor suggests an active or anxious regard for the standards of one's profession, calling, or position. integrity implies trustworthiness and incorruptibility to a degree that one is incapable of being false to a trust, responsibility, or pledge

Ladies, a man who truly loves you will not lie to you, he will do everything he can to support your wishes provided that your wishes don't jeopardize his ability to provide for the family or conflict with any previously given oaths so don't put him in that position. If you do, you are indicating to him that he doesn't matter. If you ladies say that you love someone who has lied to you then you are not in love just in lust or infatuation.

Honestly and Integrity are must haves for TRUST and TRUST is a must have for LOVE!

To the Ladies and Gentlemen that read this remember, your spoken word, written word, emotional response, and physical reactions are all viewed and interpreted by your partner.
Anyone that tells you that you can regain trust in a relationship after it has been broken, is lying to you. The partner who had their trust broken will always be looking for it to happen again. Trust, once lost will never be regained.
