The hard truth
id: 373473

Ladies, this might come as a surprise but most men are not stupid. We have experienced the destructive path of feminism and have learned to spot that train wreck without standing on the tracks.
Men don't need drama and excessive complications in our lives, we need someone who makes our life better than it already is. We are not an answer box for silly questions or hypothetical situations because the women that attract us know how to resolve those questions themselves.
Men are not nearly as concerned with a woman's appearance as you are, we just don't care that much. If you spend a small fortune on your nails, hair and clothes the man you attract is going to be exactly what you seek - but probably not the kind of man you want.
Real men do not play games. We will tell you straight up what we think and we won't be diverted by the latest trend. We don't complain about what we don't have, or brag about the things we do have.
So, if your profile says you are serious about finding a relationship, act like it. Do what you say, don't make empty promises because that will only hurt the efforts of ALL women who want to find someone special. And since all of my previous posts on this important subject were never posted, I doubt the ladies here will get this important message either.
