A way to success and lonliness
id: 10050909

famous poetess Zinaida Gippius once dropped such a phrase "When it is necessary to explain it is not necessary to explain" I use this expression as a light motive in my life because there are things that are not worth explaining!
They are already obvious such things. Loneliness is a very obvious thing. When a person does not have a partner it is striking and others notice it right away. Sometimes I feel too lonely. Loneliness strikes my heart with an arrow of pain. At times it makes me think about very difficult things in life and sophisticated. What future holds for me? Will I have it and how should I live on if I meet a good partner. a person whom I could trust my life? It is almost impossible to trust in our world. We can only trust ourselves and in these cases only to a bunch of close people like parents.
What do you think if we meet a person whom we can trust is it a success?
