Choice is the final action of the decision-making process. Our whole life is shrouded in them. Today we choose which shirt, trousers or dress to put on work, meet with friends, where to have breakfast, drink tea or coffee, which road to use to go to work, not to get caught in a cork, with which petrol fill in a car, how to spend an evening; and tomorrow we сhoose between the answers "Yes" or "No" to the question of a loved one: "Will you become my wife?" Before such a choice it is not necessary to rush. Marriage is a responsible part of our life. Saying "yes", we answer not just to the question, we say "yes" to everything that follows after, to all duties, daily challenges, life obstacles, and most importantly to patience on the way of all this. And at such moments it is important to understand whether you and your companion are ready for real life together. Of course, the relationship before marriage is its demo version during which you can test the strength of the existing link. If you work on relationships as one team, if you are trying to achieve everything together and even in moments of disagreement you do not criticize and judge each other, but analyze each other, explore the nature and capabilities of each other, then this is a wonderful beginning. It is very likely that such interest will never disappear and you will always consult each other before making any decision, thereby showing the importance and respect for your beloved person.
Day after day in my life there are a lot of people (this is also related to my work) and watching them, as well as those men with whom I communicate here on the site, I want to note that perhaps the selfishness that is inherent to many of them, does not give an opportunity to get what is desired, to achieve something, to build relationships. After all, selfishness implies the rightness of only one person, the non-acceptance of a different point of view, the other lifestyle, the lack of understanding of joint efforts and equality. You can often hear words from men: "Make me happy," "If you do not do this, then you do not want to make me happy," "Show me your loyalty," "Prove to me your devotion," etc. Here everything is simple, such a person is clearly not attuned to marriage, concessions, mutual understanding, and most importantly the respect of a loved one whom he clearly perceives as a submissive. In relations should be equality, not domination (except for those who like it), support and understanding that each person is right only for himself, not for others. And the miracle is to find a person with opinions and ideas with which you can get along, which you can take and integrate with your own into one.
As Jim Rohn says: "Do not strive to where it's easier-strive to where it's better." Do not strive to ignore problems-seek to raise your level of preparedness. "Do not try to avoid collisions-strive to gain wisdom."
Another person, different from you, is not an object for criticism and condemnation, on the contrary it is a source of new information, knowledge and experience. And I wish everyone to realize and comprehend this experience.
Good luck to everyone!
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