Possible economic benefit of linguistic integration
id: 241060

This is obviously a doubtful subject for a dating site, but I have an idea I wish to share and right now this is my easiest outlet. An advantage of sharing it here is I am talking to people with different cultural backgrounds and as a result may get more useful feedback.
An observation about the world is larger cultures seem to develop a new technology first and then smaller cultures around the world copy their results. My suggestion is that larger cultures seem to have advantages for the development of new technologies. My view is that larger cultures are more likely to have specialized skills to perceive the possibility of this new technology and have the combination of skills required for its implementation. I feel what the world needs is economist around the world to study these possible advantages to determine the level of these advantage and if may be useful for different countries and cultures to endure the disruptive of agreeing and switching to a common language so then they function as one and the rate of technological is increase enough so in a short time this economic gain results is enough to pay for the disruption and cost for switching to a common language. Right now, this could be the case, but we may never know because economists have not taken the time and effort to look. They will only examine this possibility if governments or the people create a financial incentive for them to do so. But for a country that is technologically advanced to endure this switch in language is for a relatively short time very disruptive and costly and obviously creates more problems for the country’s leadership. Although I called this period relatively short it is almost a generation long. So, I am suggesting that if you want a better life for your children and all descendants that follow, you may be willing to endure the pain of conforming to a common language for a much larger population group. I refer to this conforming as actually “Waging Peace”. No shots are fired in anger, but for the countries that endure the pain can be sure that for future generations they will not be bullied in the world. With this increased economic strength, they can support a larger and more effective military. I then refer to this process as the path of world peace. Consisting of two groups. Those countries who have gotten the message and those who have not. I am of European ancestry and am primarily interested in countries speaking a language that is a member of what is now called the European Language Group. What I would like to see happen is countries act jointly to be willing to pay the cost of the disruption of the language change of other countries to adapt their language. An example of this would be for USA, Australia, most of Canada and England to pay Quebec to switch from Fench to English. I am sure that the rate of technological development would increase and more than pay for the cost of the transition. The problem is that the people who would have to endure the pain are not the people who would benefit financially. So, when governments do things to benefit the people, are they talking about those now living or those that will live in the future.
I think overall there are benefits to be obtained for governments to work for a longer-range perspective than they are now willing to assume.
