Let me feed you with My EASTER CAKES:)
id: 10036142
Happy Easter!
Hi, my friends!:) One of my favorite holidays is coming! This Sunday most of people in the world celebrate Easter. By the way do you know this year Catholics and Orthodox celebrate this holiday the same day – April 16th? It happens very rarely; usually Catholics celebrate firstly, a week or more, earlier before Orthodox.
For me Easter is a very family holiday when all relatives try to be together. We go to the church early in the morning to holy Easter cakes and decorated eggs, then according to the tradition everyone should eat an egg, also people here can play a game. Each person takes an egg in his hand and beats his egg on another person's egg. If your egg stays unbroken it means you win. Would you like to play this game with me?:) After the church, we prefer to meet with relatives, friends. If the weather allows us, we make BBQ, go for a walk or play active games. Friends this day present each other Easter cakes with the phrase “Christ is risen!” and other side should answer “Indeed risen”.
Speaking frankly I like the preparation for the holiday even more sometimes. It is always so fun. For example today we have baked Easter cakes with my friends. You can look at the photo, we used my granny’s recipe but added some sweet stuffing inside, would you like us to feed you with our cakes? Or maybe you prefer to bake with us? We had a lot of fun. Join us!:)))
Now while our Easter cakes are still in the oven, we have a little break and I use this moment for writing this blog but soon we are going to color and decorate Easter eggs.
There is a belief that if an unmarried girl will color an egg by herself with a red and pink color, holy it in the church and eat it during the Easter holiday, then she will definitely meet her love this year. So my red and pink colors are ready to be used, I am going to decorate eggs now; I am ready to meet you this year.
I believe according to your tradition you hide chocolate Easter eggs and someone needs to seek them, you believe Easter Bunny brings these eggs, don’t you?:) Will you hide Easter chocolate eggs for me one day?) I would love to seek all of them. I believe I know the place where I should search from the very beginning. He-he:) I love Easter. It is a time for eating all the chocolate you can find with complete impunity! I hope to have a delicious Easter this year:)
I wish Happy Easter to you and all your family. Celebrate this Easter with a heart filled with love and peace. Have a blessed and wonderful Easter.
Write me a letter how you celebrate Easter and what traditions you have. Let’s share cakes’ recipes?
Best wishes,