Good communication is the caurse of good relationships!
id: 10035314
You might have heard "it's all about communication" in relationships many times before! Bad communication is at the root of many serious problems, and is one of the reasons for divorce. You learnt how to communicate from your parents, or other adults in your childhood. Think back and you recognize now yourself) These were the first lessons you recieved on how to act with a partner! Nowady we seem to have lost touch with the basics communication. People don't ask each other simple questions about family or habits, they run through that and act very fast to acheave what they want from each other. BUT if we don't have a normal and natural communication we don't have normal relationships in the end! In the very beginning it's the main, may be starting the conversation is hectic, but simple questions could make people closer. Very pleasant when person want to know your inner world, asks your opinion on different situations. We are people and need to communicate, let's start and try to use this gift from nature) Margo