Have you ever noticed how kids can dream? How they catch on something unrealizable and inept and start dreaming... With no fear, with heart full of new emotions and nobody can stop them.
And what about us, adults??? When was last time when you were dreaming about something without the fear of failure? It is normal we begin dreaming in childhood, bring our dream in youth... and then give up, because it's always easier to go with a flow.
So, why mostly all people have no ability to dream, sometimes I feel I am the same... Yes I know this life with that fear of dreaming...
Yes, we fear to dream... It's fact! Eventually we find ourselves in ordinary gloomy life, full of routine, but where are dreams, where is happiness, where is the taste of adventure??? All these escaped with our life experiences.
We are full of fears and boarders, and can't even let dreams come and change our lives... We become more pragmatic year by year.
But, I have good news, everybody on the earth, yes, yes, and you, who is reading my blog now, we are all can still dream!!! The main thing we need to do every day is fighting with our fears and crashing boarders. When I came here on this site the first is was my hard-won fight with my fear to be hurt again!
I like one psychological exercise, when you let yourself dream about everything you want, even it is silly, even it seems to be not real, never... But you dream and know that eventually you will have success and you dream come true, despite all the circumstances (it is the main condition,to know you will be successful in your dream). Then stop your dream, what do you feel now, in real life with all these barriers and fears? Of course you may feel like of frustration ,sadness, awkwardness, it was like mockery on yourself... So let me introduce you, here are all your fears... And it is always easy to fight, when you know your enemies.
I want to finish my blog with one phrase of Konstantin Kostetskiy "...if people consist of water, so without dreams and desires, we are probably like vertical puddle "
All the dreams will come true!!!
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