Don't give your woman to anyone
id: 10041048

A woman lives with emotions, this explains the necessary need for male attention, where she receives healthy nourishment in the form of feelings, sensations and tactile caresses.
And every time you forget about your woman, you slowly distance her from yourself.

When you ignore her requests, do not help, do not take her interests seriously...

When, once again, you simply do not hug, do not kiss, do not say tender words, do not make surprises - you push her away.
A woman blossoms with bright colors where she is needed.
She truly feels the taste of life with someone who values ​​her. Men would never lose their women if they remembered such simple truths.
Everything falls apart not because our characters didn't get along or because it was predetermined from Above.
Everything falls apart because you shouldn't push your woman into the background.
Write, call, come, meet her, hug her. Do it now. Do it always. Don't give your woman to anyone.
