Seduction is an art that is difficult to master. Each woman is
different, and you’ll never know if all you have researched about
seducing women would work on her. If you are interested and admired a
woman staying next to your building or some lady who’s working in your
office and still haven’t managed to grab her attention, then read on
to know the 13 best ways of how to seduce a woman.
There are some ways which if applied correctly will sure to grab the
attention of any woman. Seducing a woman is obviously less complicated
than what you might be thinking.
1. The first thing that you should keep in mind is that every woman
loves to get compliments from her man! So keep this golden rule in
mind, but also understand that you don’t overdo the complimenting. You
can choose simple yet impressive ones like the perfume that she uses
or how shiny her hair is and the way she carries herself elegantly.
2. Being mysterious is another key to seducing a woman. Try to be a
bit mysterious in the beginning, send her flowers and gifts titled
from a secret admirer and when you get a clue that she is getting
restless to know who you are, then set up a time and place where you
would meet her.
3. By nature, women are romantic and love the excitement involved in
romance. Make every date special and make your girl feel that she’s
most beautiful woman that you have ever seen. Women love to be
pampered so be sweet gentleman.
4. Making eye contact is another great way of seducing a woman. You
can stroke her hands with your fingertips or touch her hair lightly
and whisper in her ears or just express your feelings through your
eyes. The more expressive you are with your moves the better it is.
5. Women find confident men sexy. Most of the times when in a
conversation with your girl, she would give you the recipe of how she
can be seduced. So keep your ears open and analyze what she says.
6. Don’t jump in a relationship. Move step by step. First, win her
heart and then move further. Make your conversations interesting and
then listen to her on what she has to say. The best way is to win the
mind and heart and the body would follow automatically.
7. Another secret of turning on a woman is kindling her emotions. If
you can win her emotionally then winning the physical aspect is not
very difficult. If you have the ability to move her emotionally then
you wouldn’t have a problem in winning her on a whole.
8. There are some women who are moved by attraction. If your woman
falls in this section and if you are handsome then your work is done.
Some women go in for visual attraction, and if you have good looks
then you can seduce the woman easily.
9. Ask the woman about her taste in music. Good music seduces many
women when they are with their partners. If you have a taste for good
music then it can work for you.
10. You can try to give your woman a good massage, and then you can go
in for a bubble bath together. Else, you can comfortably curl up on
the couch. In any case make her feel comfortable, special and wanted.
11. Take equal participation in what you do, be in charge and let the
woman dominate in case she wants to. You can also write her little
notes; have some teasing games that would excite her.
12. You can learn a few tricks and teach her the same in a different
and exciting manner. Be adventurous and ask your girl what she wants.
13. Last but not the least, pay attention to when she is speaking.
Women love all the attention that you can give them and react in a
positive way.
With practicing these simple tricks you are sure to win her heart,
mind, body and soul. So if you admired someone but are unable to
express your feelings, be confident and walk up to her and express
yourself and tell her how special she is.
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